Is Your Relationship Ending?

The Beyond Divorce Recovery and Empowerment program has been around for more than a decade helping hundreds of people recover from their divorce experience and get back into a happy life. In this 10-week program, you will get better faster—more than two years faster as a matter of fact, than those who do their recovery work on their own or “over time.”

If you are ending your relationship, would you like:

  • To do it in the quickest and least painful way possible?
  • To calm the emotional chaos that comes with ending a relationship?
  • To learn what went wrong so you don’t have to repeat it in a future relationship?
  • A community of new friends who understand?
  • To use your divorce experience to create something brand new that is both fulfilling and meaningful?

Beyond Divorce Recovery Program starts soon. Contact Bethany to see if you qualify.

Complete the form below to get started

Beyond Divorce has been around a long time. People Get Better.

What Is Included?

  • A student Toolkit (syllabus) with all exercises and assessments.
  • Ten live weekly topic calls taught by Bethany (which will be recorded and accessible but not downloadable).

You will need:

  • The Beyond Divorce, Stop the Pain, Rekindle Your Happiness, and Put Purpose Back in Your Life paperback version is your text.

This course will start in February


How Beyond Divorce™ helps you get better…

  • Each session is a combination of researched-based learning, emotional support and friendship sharing.
  • Your mind needs “facts/learning/research/different perspectives” to chew on in order to make sense of things.
  • Your heart needs to feel connected and heard so it can heal.
  • As your mind and your heart receive relief, your body calms down.
  • This can bring relief for sleeplessness, anxiety, and addictions you may be using to cope.

Complete the form below to get started

People of all walks of life attend this program.

  • Both those who want the divorce and those who don’t (which makes rich learning about your Ex’s experience).
  • Those with children and those without. (Great support for parents.)
  • The age range has been 26-75-ish, but more commonly 35-70. (SO much learning there, especially about future relating.)
  • Both short term (including broken engagements), and long-term relationships.
  • Same gender and opposite gender.
  • Both men and women. (Each learns it isn’t a fault of “all men” or “all women,” but that the pain of divorce/breakup is a human thing.)
  • Those with a lot of assets, those with very few.
  • Those who feel their life is over and those who are excited about their future.
  • Those who are legally married and those who are not.
  • Those who want to get back into a relationship immediately and those who may never.
  • The course meets you right where you are and moves you forward. The support and understanding you receive from this cross-section of so many life experiences is one of the reasons healing and understanding can happen so quickly.

So who attends?

Anyone who wants to get better faster. Time does not heal all wounds. It’s what you do with the time that heals.

Click here for session topics. 

The value?

  • A woman in class had been divorced for 10 years and still stuck in extreme anger. That anger dissolved after her participation in class.
  • A woman who wanted her divorce couldn’t get out of bed for months. She lost her health. She lost her job. “Why does this hurt so bad if I wanted it?” The class brought her relief.

What if you DON'T attend?

  • If you work it right your divorce will transform you. It will turn you into the person who can have your dreams. You will become softer, more awake and aware, happier.
  • If you don’t get the right tools you are in danger of staying stuck in the anger and bitterness and brokenness for the rest of your life. Please don’t let yourself do that.

The most common complaint about the course?

It is over too soon. 

It may seem daunting to consider committing to several weeks of a course. There’s so much to do and life is exhausting right now.  Yet, over and over and over I’ve seen people make that commitment to themselves and seemingly out of nowhere the time and the money both show up. (And this course isn’t expensive by the way.)

Participants tell me this program becomes the highlight of their week. They look forward to attending and are sad when it is over.  

This program provides a unique experience to heal, to connect, to make long-term friendships. I hope you won’t miss it. We don’t get many opportunities like this in our modern world.


Beyond Divorce Recovery

February .


Attend in your jammies if you want.

Click here for more info.


Contact Bethany to get started

Beyond Divorce Recovery is online! There are just a few spots left- is one of them yours?

10 session course starts February 2023!

Since we’re moving from in-person to online and I need to test it out. In this beta test group YOU get healing at a great cost break … and I get your feedback. Fair enough?