A ten-week intensive course designed to help you move beyond the pain of divorce and get back to happiness with grace and dignity!

There is both a strategy and an art to getting through divorce as quickly and easily as possible- we provide the framework and structures to help you be successful. The Beyond Divorce Recovery program is proven to take you systematically through each vital step so that the pain, anger and regret won’t come back to haunt you in the future. This ten-session program gets you back to happy…in record time!

This pilot will consist of:

  1. Weekly video lessons with corresponding homework and documents to further your learning
  2. Live weekly group zoom Q & A session
  3. My email “hotline” to submit your questions and receive feedback
  4. 1 on 1 weekly 30-minute coaching calls with me:
  • Week 1: Impact of Divorce
  • Week 2: Understanding Transition/ Living in the In-Between
  • Week 3: Grief: Letting Go in a Way That Sets You Free
  • Week 4: Anger: You Get to Be Mad (resolve anger that had you feeling stuck)
  • Week 5: Forgiveness (how to Forgive and LET GO)
  • Week 6: Recovering Self-Worth
  • Week 7: Managing Your Thinking
  • Week 8: Learning From What Went Wrong
  • Week 9: Future Relating & Dating
  • Week 10: Celebration and Looking Ahead With Purpose

This course will start in February

As a trained and certified relationship coach, I have testimonials from my coaching clients and for this program. It is a proven system and framework with resources you can not get from a book or online. Information is not transformation! This is dedicated support and community to guide you on your journey, with exercises to solidify your learning and action steps to get results!

We are capping the group at six people so that everyone can get individualized support.

Your destination on this journey is not to get you back to the way you were, but to get you truly BEYOND DIVORCE!Ready to sign up? Have questions? Let’s talk!! Call or text me at (213) 842- 5941 or book your own time with my online scheduler:
Click here for my online scheduler